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Project Soothe is a global citizen science project, founded by Stella Chan in 2015 at the University of Edinburgh. In 2020, the team moved to the University of Reading where we are currently based. Combining world-leading research and public engagement, our mission is to develop a bank of soothing photographs that can be shared with others to improve mental health and wellbeing.

The public are actively engaged in our research as citizen scientists, meaning they are actively involved in developing and conducting the research and clinical innovation. Members of the public from all over the world have been submitting their own soothing images into our image bank as well as rating how soothing the images are. Our aim is to develop soothing images that can be widely used in research and therapies to support mental health and wellbeing.

In addition to working with young people, Project Soothe has developed a wide portfolio of research and community projects. For example, we have launched a Project Soothe app feature with CogniCare. We have also worked with many healthcare organisations and charities to collaboratively create, pilot and showcase pioneering ways that our soothing images can be used in practice. Together we have created a User Guide to showcase their innovative pilots projects.

Visit the Project Soothe website.

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Funding Support

We are grateful to have received funding from the following organisations.